
CORPUS CHRISTI “In the Eucharist, we contemplate and worship the
God of love. The Lord who breaks no one, yet allows himself to be
broken. The Lord who does not demand sacrifices, but sacrifices
himself. The Lord who asks nothing but gives everything. In
celebrating and experiencing the Eucharist, we too are called to share
in this love. For we cannot break bread on Sunday if our hearts are
closed to our brothers and sisters. We cannot partake of that Bread if
we do not give bread to the hungry. We cannot share that Bread unless
we share the sufferings of our brothers and sisters in need. In the end,
and the end of our solemn Eucharistic liturgies as well, only love will
remain. Even now, our Eucharistic celebrations are transforming the
world to the extent that we are allowing ourselves to be transformed
and to become bread broken for others.”
Pope Francis, Corpus Christi 2021