Day for Life is celebrated this Sunday 18 June. The theme is ‘Listen to Her’ and focuses on the experience of one Catholic woman in the aftermath of abortion. It tells of her journey towards healing. The hope is that this will help us to listen, to understand and to respond with compassion. You can read the message in full on www.councilforlife.ie .
In listening to Mary, our Mother, and following her example, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, invites us to discover our personal call from God who is the source of our existence, reminding us that, “Each human being is called by God to enjoy the fullness of life; and, is entrusted to the maternal care of the Church. Every threat to human dignity and life cannot but have an effect on her heart, on her maternal ‘womb’. To defend life is not an ideology for the Church. It is a reality; a human reality which involves all Christians, precisely because they are Christian and because they are human”. All who participate in this year’s Day for Life are assured of Pope Francis’ prayers, particularly for all expectant mothers and their families.