20 + CMB + 23
Beloved brothers and sisters,
the glory of the Lord has been manifested among us,
and always will be until his return.
Within the rhythms and events of time,
we remember and live out the mysteries of salvation.
The Triduum of the crucified, buried and risen Lord
is the centre of the entire liturgical year,
which will culminate on Easter Sunday, 9 April.
On each Sunday, the weekly Easter,
holy Church makes present this great event,
by which Christ conquered sin and death.
From Easter flow all holy days:
Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, on 22 February;
the Ascension of the Lord, on 21 May,
Pentecost, on 28 May;
and the first Sunday of Advent, on 3 December.
The pilgrim Church on earth proclaims
the Easter of her Lord also
on the feasts of the holy Mother of God,
of the apostles and saints,
and on the commemoration of all the faithful departed.
To Christ, who was, who is and who is to come,
the Lord of time and history,
be everlasting praise
for ever and ever. Amen.
[The CMB above stand for the names, by tradition, of the three wise men: Caspar, Balthasar and Melkior. There is a custom in Europe to make a mark in chalk above the door of your house on 6th January, giving the year, the cross and CMB to ask God’s blessing on your home]