The Dublin Diocesan
Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from the 7th and 12th of September.
There are several ‘stalwarts’ of this wonderful faith event from our own
parish. We will be bringing over 100 sick pilgrims to Our Lady’s Shrine
this year where countless people have experienced God’s grace and
healing. For many years, parishioners were invited to help contribute to
the cost of bringing a sick pilgrim to Lourdes through the Lourdes
Associate Fund. At present, we ask each sick pilgrim to contribute €590
towards the cost of his or her travel and stay. We never refuse an
application on the grounds of not being able to afford this. The actual
cost per sick pilgrim is over €1,000, factoring in the expense of necessary
medical equipment and supplies.
On the weekend of 2nd/3rd September we will have a Lourdes Associate
Membership collection outside the church after Mass to give you an
opportunity to contribute to the cost of bringing sick pilgrims on our
Diocesan Pilgrimage. If anyone would like their intentions brought to the
Grotto at Lourdes, please leave them in to the sacristy in an envelope
marked for Fr Damian’s attention. Your intentions will be remembered
at the Masses we celebrate there. Thank you on behalf of our sick
pilgrims in anticipation of your support of our Diocesan Pilgrimage.