Sincere thanks to the fifty people who participated in the first of our Parish Synod Gatherings last Tuesday. The Main Hall of the Parish Centre was positively buzzing with the conversation and attentive listening facilitated superbly by Teresa Hawkes. Huge thanks also to her team of group animators and those who looked after the lovely hospitality. Our next Gathering will take place on Tuesday 5th April at 8pm. It will focus on two further questions: “When you think of your experience of Church, what brings hope? When you think of your experience of Church, what brings fear or anxiety?” Archbishop Farrell is very keen to continue this pathway of parish synodal gatherings into the future.
Young Adults are invited to make their views on the Church known via an online gathering of Synodal listening on Monday 4th April from 7:30 – 9pm. Register using the following link, before Thursday 31st March:
And the voice of Teenagers will also be most welcome at our Dublin Diocesan Teen Synod. The target audience is teenagers from 13 to 17 years old. Join in online on Thursday 31st March 6:30 – 8pm. You can register online using the following link: For more info, email: