Fr. Paddy’s Blog

Open for private prayer only

Current Level 3 restrictions in response to the prevalence of the Covid-19 virus mean that Mass and other religious services, with the exceptions of weddings and funeral, must take place on-line without a congregation present in the Church.

Our Church is open for private prayer every day from after the morning Mass (via webcam) until 6 pm.

The obligation to physically attend Sunday Mass is dispensed for the time being.

People not attending Sunday Mass may fulfil their obligation to participate at Mass in alternative ways such as by listening to Mass on radio, TV or the internet or by setting aside a specific time for personal prayer.

Masses in our Church are streamed live on the internet. Click on the “View Webcam” button in the right hand column on this webpage to access the webcam.

The Scripture readings for Sunday and weekday Mass are available on the right hand side of this webpage.

People may also make a Spiritual Communion using the following prayer:

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Holy Sacrament of the altar.
I love you above all things and I passionately desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, 
come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever. Amen.

Contacting the Parish

The Parish Office can be contacted at 01-6409601 or by email at

Fr. Kieran Coghlan can be contacted at 01-6408595.
Fr. Denis O’Connor can be contacted at 01-8214003.